Tuesday 17 May 2011

Final Shot List:

 Here is my final shot list, which has a brief description of each shot:

Time Shot begins
Shot Type
Effect used    
What’s in the frame
Text overlay: ‘Into You’ by Dani Scharpf.
Half of the piano is in frame. There is a vase of red roses. Dani’s hands are playing the piano. Lip synchronisation.
Venetian blind wipe transition into next shot.
Dani is on a bed in pyjamas holding a bear.
Close-up which zooms out to a mid-shot.
Cross dissolve transition into next slide.
Dani on her bed again but from a different angle. There is a mirror in view which demonstrates my kill as a cinematographer as I ensured I could not be seen through it.
Handheld, pans, tracks and zooms.
Black and white filter; desaturation.
Dani is hiding behind a stone pillar to avoid love interest Callum, and Alyssa walks near as if she’s with him. Dani walks but doesn’t see Callum look back.
Close up zooms to extreme close up.

Cross dissolve into next shot.
Half of piano, vase of roses, Dani’s hands are playing, instrument synching.
Bird’s eye view. Handheld camera.
Cross dissolve into next shot.
Dani lying on bed covered in roses and fairy lights.
Handheld, pan and mid-shot
Black and white, snap cut to next shot.
Callum arriving up escalators. Public people watching.
Handheld. Shot reverse shot.
Black and white, snap cut to next shot.
Dani going down her side of the escalator.
Bird’s eye view
Cross dissolve into next shot
Dani on her bed in pyjamas still, building up.
High angle tracking her.
Cross dissolve into next shot.
Dani’s back to viewer, at the piano playing.
Mid-shot zooming out
Venetian blinds transition wipe into next shot.
Dani on bed at a sad angle, instrument alone.
Zoom shot, close up, zooming out into a long tracking shot.
Black and White, cross dissolve into next shot.
Callum, realising he has to follow Dani. Callum runs down escalators and out of shot.
Close-up, handheld, bird’s eye view.
Brightness and contrast filter. Snap cut into next shot.
Dani lying on bed, covered in roses and fairly lights.
Long shot zoom to mid shot.
Black and white. Cross fade into next shot.
Dani leaves building alone and doesn’t realise that Callum is running to her, people passing. The pair kisses.
Bird’s eye view.
Snap cut into next hall.
Lying on bed with flowers and lights.
Overlay of titles again, introducing artist.
You can see Dani from the shoulders up. Very innocent.

Monday 16 May 2011

Magazine Advertisement:

Magazine Advertisement:

My research into magazine adverts from magazines such as: NME, Kerrang, GQ an Smashbox has shown that the conventions of a magazine ad is generally to sell the artist, and so the colour scheme must also match either the artist's music style, or the genre of the video. Which is why I have continued with the colour red and rose imagery. There is normally a main center image which is the iconic image of the artist and some reviews to give better press for the band. I decided to not display any reviews on my magazine advert as I want the artist, music and advert to speak for themselves and almost dare the reader / listener to buy the album without being influenced by someone else's opinion.

This is the magazine advertisement that I have created for the album 'Into You' by Dani Scharpf:

I created the advert by amalgamating my digi-pack images on Photoshop by using the 'Healing brush option'. The images are also slightly transparent which adds a ghost  like effect, reminiscent of the phrase 'ghosts of the past'. The water and the flower accentuate the theme of nature and the images of Dani are there to promote her image, the left, showing her vulnerability, a side which everyone can relate to, and the right which is her glamorous image, which people can aspire to. I decided to have my release date on the 28th of March as it is the beginning of Spring which will compliments the themes of the production and hopefully reflect the 'blooming' success of Dani's career.

I was influenced by the band Panic at the Disco's magazine advert for their album 'A Fever you can't sweat out' :

I was inspired by the way they had superimposed juxtaposing images together which is what led me to experimenting with the 'healing brush' on Photoshop. They also have a solid red colour scheme and only used the band name and album name on the advert. The neatness and simplicity is what drew me into pastiching parts of it.

Ancillary Tasks, Digi-pack and Magazine advert:

Effectiveness in combination of main product and ancillary tasks

For my ancillary tasks I have created a digi-pack and a magazine advert. The combination of the main product (music video) and ancillary tasks is effective as I have used connections between all three that compliment one another. The main connection is the repetition of the rose flower imagery; this is partially due to Dani’s favourite flower being a rose, and it being an almost ‘signature’ for her – I expanded this so that it can become a promotional symbol for her and her music and as she builds a fan base it can become a recognisable pointer for her and her music also.

Front Cover of Album:

I decided to use an image of Dani for the front cover which is in fact the closing shot of the music video; I chose this because by using her face as the front cover, prospective buyers will know what to be looking for. I edited the image on Photoshop and used a filter effect of ‘film grain’ which has given the image a worn and warm feeling, complimenting the themes of love within the pop genre.
The colour red shall be a constant colour scheme in the promotional plan and the backdrop behind her here contains red.

The Left insert:

The left insert shall go on the left hand side of my CD digi pack; it is another image of Dani, however as it is edited with a ‘fresco’ filter in which I altered the brush size and intensity, it is painting like and abstract. This is similar to the left insert of Evanescence’s left insert image of their lead vocalist edited with a similar effect. I found it effective for promoting the organic side of the pop genre.

Right hand insert:

The right hand insert is a background of water, which the photo I took by running a tap and then taking a photo of a rose and with Photoshop I superimposed the rose onto the picture by using the healing brush. And brightness and contrast – the water and flowers follow conventions of the pop genre and my artist’s desires. The CD will go over this image, and have the rose picture printed on to it so that the image continues.

Back cover:

The back cover is an image of a red rose, a repeated symbol for Dani, and has been edited with a smudge stick effect. I then placed text over the top layer of the albums other songs. I believe its simplicity sums up the promotional visions I have for the album.

Distribution Information / Promotional Plan:

Distribution Information / Promotional Plan:

After long considerations my promotion plan, if this were a real job, would be to have Dani Scharpf be represented by Big Machine Records

I chose them because they already promote and produce similar artists and are keen on original musicians. I would promote my magazine cover in the following magazines: NME, Kerrang, Rolling Stone, and Vibe. However, I would also place the advertisement in fashion magazines such as Grazia and Look, which contain upcoming album release advertisiments.

I would intend to release the album in Spring / Summer as the target audience consists of mostly students it would mean that they would be able to locate and buy it.

Firstly I would place a couple of Dani’s songs on the internet available, for example on Myspace and YouTube for free download to create a buzz and interest in her music. This would also create ‘word of mouth’ advertising as people will tell their friends and relatives when they hear something they enjoy.